Saturday, May 1, 2010

Senior Prom

The day is finally here and my battery went dead in my camera and I left the extra battery at home so I had to beg photos off of other least one of the parents was nice enough to email them to me right away. I am so pleased about that, it doesn't make me as sad! I am extremely exhausted from all the chaos leading up to this day! I worked until midnight finishing the beading and hemming on the dress, then woke this morning at 7am to make the corsages...I must be crazy! I would do it again in a heartbeat! At least now I have a couple of years before my son will be in high school and boys don't seem to be so high maintenance!!!
Going to bed early tonight and hoping to sleep in tomorrow, then will be meeting the girls for a day of beauty! Can't wait, finally a day for me!

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