Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More love stuff!

Well hello my little blog! I am so excited that I am getting better at posting to my blog...so it is not daily but I am proud of the progress I am making. I don't think I have many readers or followers to my blog, but it is so nice to just get my thoughts out! It has been busy as usual for me this week. I had some cheer deadlines and I am happy to say that I have finished them and now am starting on things for the end of year banquet, like the invites, programs, gifts and such! So much to do! Yikes! I have also planned some much needed fun scrappy time with friends this month, a girl can never get enough of that!

So I have been working on a few "love" things for my hubby this week...so keep it a secret! We wouldn't want him to find out too early! This idea came to me because I always like to make little signs for the cheerleaders and what a cute idea to make one for hubby to hang at his desk at work! The little book is my fave! I just love creating little mini albums, I never get tired of making them and they make such a nice gift!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Very nice. Blogging is theraputic isn't it?