Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year

As will everything in my life it is always a day or two...or even a week late!!! So I try! Happy New Year! This year has started off in a frenzy! I still have Christmas decorations up at my many of you still have yours up? I am hoping this weekend to find the time to take everything done and get back to some normalcy around here. HA! HA! Who am I kidding? the Goswick home! Okay, okay...just want to get on with the next adventure waiting around the corner! Don't know what that is going to be, but I know that January marks a busy time for cheerleading, we have banquets to plan, fundraisers to do, budgets to make, pictures to edit, gifts to be bought, all of the crazy end of year stuff! So from January to mid March I have my hands full of cheerleading related things!!! Makes me a little crazy just thinking about it!!! Just think in a little over a year Miranda will graduate and I may never have to think about cheerleading I a little sad, NOT!!! I will miss it yes, but other doors will open and I will do other things...what I don't know. As for now I hope to learn the word no! That is a good start!
I am not one for making New's Years Resolutions but I do like to think of a word to focus on...this year it is going to be HOPE!
HOPE-for a better life
HOPE- for a better economy
HOPE-for a closer family
HOPE-for more time to spend together
HOPE-my kids will clean their rooms
HOPE-my cholesterol will go down with out taking medication!
HOPE-a heathlier year for my family than last year!
HOPE-Miranda can choose a college she is excited about attending
HOPE-that we can afford that college!
I just have so much to hope for this year...what are your hopes for the year?

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