Monday, November 29, 2010

Visit my Etsy Shop

I did it! I finally decided that in order to grow my little craft business I must get on etsy and try it. I have been working for about a week to get things up and going on my etsy is slow going but I am doing it all myself. I have included just some of the items that I would like to sell. I will be adding stuff daily. So go take a peek.
I am really excited about this new journey that I am taking, it is always what I have wanted to do and finally I am taking the giant leap! Of course it is keeping me super busy trying to juggle work and then coming home and getting crafty, taking photos of my items, then posting them to the site. So instead of filling my time with volunteer work, I will fill my time with crafty fun!

Here is a photo from our yearly family photo shoot...think this might be the one for the annual card. Just wait and see!

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